SASO® – Aztec Aerosols (Video)
A few months after its official launch, SASO® is well and truly revolutionising the Aerosol industry. Not only does SASO® give you tremendous benefits, but it also provides you with a competitive edge in a commercially driven market. We sat down with Paul Butcher, the MD of Aztec Aerosols and one of SASO®’s first customers to get his thoughts on how SASO® has transformed their processes.
During the video, Paul explains the dilemma Aztec had when trying to match the quality of Lithographic printing on their short runs. Paul goes on to discuss how SASO® provides Aztec Aerosols with the solution they are looking for and how the finish of SASO® is very high quality, making the product look so much sharper and more professional. Not only that, the total cost of SASO® is cheaper than their usual processes.

With lead time of label delivery within one week, Aztec Aerosols are already running their SASO® line at capacity and are looking to install a second line in the near future.
Once again, check out the video to hear from Paul himself!
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