Evans Vanodine: Supplying Directly into NHS Hospitals
Created in 1919, Evans Vanodine initially began producing spraying essences for cinemas. Fast forward to today, 100 years later, the Lancashire based company is developing and manufacturing, consistent, efficient and cost-effective cleaning and hygiene products around the world.
Their products are used in many different settings. For example, they are killing pathogenic diseases in hospitals and keeping farms and restaurants hygienically safe.
During the current COVID-19 crisis, Evans Vanodine has seen a significant increase in demand for the majority of their products including the cleaning detergents, fresheners and sanitisers that are supplied directly into NHS hospitals across the UK.
Because of this significant increase in demand, the organisation needed packaging and labels produced quickly in order to meet the significant increase in demand. Given the nature of the crisis, speed was critical as is ensuring that all labels are printed to a high standard containing all of the correct information.
We are delighted to announce that we have allowed Evans Vanodine to fulfil the increase in demand by supplying all of their packaging requirements on time and in full. We have worked hard to maintain the 5-day lead time and in many instances deliver faster, providing Evans Vanodine with the agility they need from their packaging supplier in order to fulfil demand.
Being a 100% Digital Printer, this allows us to react quickly to customer needs. The quick reaction is a tremendous benefit for the customer, as in the case of Evans, it allows their end-users to keep the NHS Hospitals clean, sanitised and safe.
If you are currently experiencing a surge in demand and would like to speak to us about your packaging requirements, contact us here.