Our Work

Labels for Local Eco-Friendly Products

Founded by Helen Hall some fifteen years ago, Eden 100% Natural Cleaning is an established cleaning business based in the Hull and East Riding area. Initially, Helen started the company as a personal cleaning service for local homes and businesses. After growing substantially over several years, Eden eventually had a team of cleaners working across the city for 70 customers.

As Eden grew, Helen’s attention turned to a more significant problem. How can Eden develop and use eco-friendly products? At the time, there were minimal options in the marketplace. Therefore Helen decided to create and produce Eden’s own products. This was kept relatively under wraps until recently when Helen decided to expand her product range and offer customers the ability to purchase eco-friendly products. Today, Eden has a collection of fifteen different eco-friendly products available to buy!

Working with her son, Helen designed the labels; however, she struggled to find the right partner to get them printed in the quantities and to the quality she required. That is where we stepped in to help out. Due to our Digital Print factory, we can print with no MOQ’s. Our values aligned with Eden Cleaning and they asked us to help them out, so we did.

Now Eden 100% Natural Cleaning Products has 100% Digitally Printed high-quality labels to match the quality of the product. To find out more about our Digital Print department, please click here!

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