Our Work

High-Quality Digital Labels for Eco Solutions

Eco Solutions

We provide Eco Solutions with an efficient, high-quality label solution that allows them to quickly get their eco-friendly products into the DIY and Trade market. 

Who are Eco Solutions? 

Eco Solutions is a world-leading technology and innovations-driven company that has developed leading-edge water-based paint strippers, coatings removers and associated products. 

The business was created out of concern for health, safety, and the environment. The company is dedicated to providing safer and eco-friendly alternatives to hazardous solvents for use by consumers and in various applications across different industries. 

Working with Springfield 

As an ever-expanding business with increased sales into large retail outlets, Eco Solutions’ labelling quality needed to improve. Eco Solutions also required a more efficient label supplier to fulfil their orders. Ensuring a smooth packaging process with fast lead times and high print quality. 

The business encountered several issues with its previous label supplier. Including problems with retaining the correct artwork, archiving records and poor-quality print. It was then that they decided to switch their label supplier. As a result, Eco Solutions were recommended to come to Springfield as a competitively priced and efficient digital label printer and began working with us in 2017.   

We have not regretted that move, having worked well with Springfield ever since, particularly Kelly (and previously Aimee), who always swiftly answer any orders/queries.” Says Andrew Chivers, Director, Eco Solutions. 

The quick lead times of digital print work well for Eco Solutions. This enables the business to get products to market quickly. This is alongside the added benefit of bringing lead times forward even faster on urgent occasions.   

The business is also particularly pleased with the print quality of their labels, of which we print 18 sorts on self-adhesive labels across their Home Strip®, Trade Strip® and Grime Go products.  

The print quality we can definitely say is considerably better than our previous label printer.” Says Andrew. 

As a provider of eco-friendly solutions to hazardous solvents for DIY/Trade projects, Eco Solutions are also exploring our range of sustainable labels to reduce the effect their packaging has on the environment. 

Are you looking for a more efficient packaging solution? Then, get in touch and discover how digital print can provide agility and speed to your brand.   

Want to discuss your requirements?

Have a chat with us

01482 484700
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