Brand Management Case Study: BioCare
What did the customer say?
“Springfield’s packaging expertise have helped us stay competitive in a global industry for over 10 years. Due to the digital capabilities they have, we have been able to work with them on our artwork, labels and produce an end product we have been able to rely on for over 10 years. Shorter lead times, customisation and overall versatility with our packaging have enabled us to be ahead of the competition with incredible speed to market.”

Who is the customer?
BioCare are a global Professional Supplement Specialist, with over 30 years’ experience, who supply products to customers all over the world. They are market leaders, not only researching and developing the most effective solutions, but also offering the highest levels of advice, support and education.
What was the dilemma?
1. A key issue for BioCare is customisation:
Due to their extensive product range, they produce labels in various different:
– Sizes
– Languages
– Materials
– Containers
Versatility is key for BioCare to stay ahead of the competition. However, traditionally versatility in packaging always leads to higher cost.
2. Another issue for BioCare is speed to market, as is the case with most FMCG (Fast Moving Consumer Goods) companies. Technology has changed consumer behaviour for good and that also applies to the packaging industry. Companies such as BioCare are now expecting to be able to make changes to their packaging for various reasons with tremendous speed. It is vital they do so in order to stay ahead of the competition.
3. What about when you make these changes knowing there will be multiple changes to the same packaging in the future? This also poses a major dilemma for the brand as they end up with left over warehousing stock. This leads to increase costs which is detrimental to the progress of a brand such as BioCare.

What is the Springfield Solution?
Well, that is where we stepped in!
Due to our extensive Digital Printing expertise and state of the art printing press’, we were able to find a solution for each of the above dilemma’s for BioCare.
1. Versatility – As one of the leading Digital Label Printing companies in the UK, we have the facility to produce custom labels down to each individual label. Therefore, making the same label for different languages is no longer a key challenge facing BioCare.
2. Speed to Market – Being a digital only printer we are able to provide customer labels with a 5-day lead time. This means within one week of any product change BioCare are able to have their new labels on products. A phenomenal advantage over their competitors.
3. Because we are digital, BioCare have no MOQ’s. This significantly reduced their left-over warehousing stock, which is an inevitable issue to run into when labels are constantly changing. The end result for this is BioCare have kept their excess costs to a minimum. Overall, this gives brands like BioCare the confidence they need to be able to react quickly to any relevant changes.

Is this the future?
Absolutely, digital is the way of the world and it is no different in the packaging industry. If you are not utilising the same processes as BioCare and reaping the same rewards, then you WILL lose out to competition.
There is still chance however, before it is too late, to take the leap and go digital. We will be here to guide you every single step of the way. Get in touch to find out more and go digital, today!