
We are helping Lily’s fund this Christmas…

Continuing on with our anti-ink Christmas card tradition, rather than spend money on greeting cards to spread Christmas wishes, we will instead be donating the money to make Christmas wishes happen.

Sending messages of thanks and appreciation during this special time of year is very important to us, but we thought we could use our investment in greeting cards to better use. To help to make a small difference that will positively affect peoples’ lives.
We asked our clients which charity they thought would benefit from a Christmas donation this year. AAK selected Lily’s Fund, a local Hull charity who helps other charities, organisations and individuals with grants and assistance.

Lily’s Fund was set up to carry on the legacy of 7-year-old Lily, who sadly passed away in 2005 after battling with cancer.

Lily’s family were left with a hole in their hearts at the loss of their beloved daughter, and found strength and a way to honour her memory by forming Lily’s Fund. The family push their energy into helping others.

From providing a bed befitting a little princess who was suffering with illness, to custom trikes and pushchairs to allow less abled families enjoy days out, Lily’s Fund has been there for local families. Even other charities are on the receiving end of Lily’s gifts, with reading groups able to buy more books, considerable donations to help hospices and Wish Upon a Star.

Lily’s Fund has a Saint Nicholas approach all year around, not just for Christmas. The team here at Springfield Solutions feel the charity is extremely worthy of our 2014 Christmas gift.

If you would like to know more about Lily’s Fund, visit their website at

Or if you too would like to add some sparkle to Lily’s Fund this Christmas, simply use the JustTextGiving by Vodaphone by texting 'LILY07' and your amount in pounds, '£10' for example (Lily07 £10), to 70070.

What do you want for Christmas 2015?
We plan to keep rolling our new tradition into the coming years, making our Christmas donation a regular part of our institute.

Are you an active member or volunteer to a charity you think would benefit from more than two front teeth next Christmas? No matter where your charity is in the world, our donation could be just a Christmas card away.

Write us an email or contact your Account Manager with the charity you would like to nominate for future Christmases.

Want to discuss your requirements?

Have a chat with us

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