
Quality “Assurance” Reflected in ISO Accreditations

By making quality assurance a core philosophy of the company, we have once again achieved a faultless audit performance for two major ISO standards.  

The company recently gained continued certification of the ISO 9001 2008 Quality Standard and ISO 14001 Environmental Management Systems in our annual surveillance audit with no major or minor faults on either.

It is the second time in two years we have delivered a faultless record determined by UKAS accredited SGS International. Last year the business delivered an equally strong record, demonstrating our commitment to ensuring all of our processes and practices conform to the very highest standards.

Dave Medcalf, Enabling Service Manager at Springfield Solutions, said the company had achieved such high standards by involving everyone in the company in the task of being responsible for quality.

Mr Medcalf designs and implements Springfield Solutions’ processes for quality, environmental and food packaging accreditations. He said: “We have a unified system which means everyone working for us is responsible for their own quality across their respective areas. Often with a company like ours you can have an army of quality control people looking over the products at the end of the process, but we didn’t want to do it like that. We decided to build responsibility for Quality Assurance into all our processes rather than relying on quality control at the back door. We believe that this inclusive approach means we can give the customer exactly what they want and do it consistently across all their orders.”

Mr Medcalf added he was delighted Springfield had achieved an unblemished audit result for the second year running. “It’s about team work,” he said. “I can design the systems but we need everyone to buy into them for them to work. They do, and it is that which has enabled us to build quality assurance into the fabric of Springfield Solutions.”

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