Fit Legs hits the ground running with Mock>it
Mock>it, our packaging mock-up division, has been involved in some very interesting projects recently, creating short run, prototype packaging for clients in a range of sectors.
But one job in particular had Matt, our joint MD, very excited. As a fairly keen runner, he has always considered himself to have fit legs, so when we were approached to create mock-up packaging for a product called Fit Legs, Matt was excited to think his shapely pins might feature on the box.
Sadly, it was not to be. The client took one look at Matt and swiftly asked for CGI images instead, so despite his chagrin, Matt set Eon Visual Media, our sister company, on to the task of creating precisely the graphics.

Fit Legs is a range of compression stockings and sports socks that G+N Medical recently launched on to the market. As part of that launch, the company wanted prototype packaging and a brochure to display at a trade exhibition, and that is why they came to us.
Mock>it, our packaging mock-up division, was created precisely for this type of job. It combines our design and brand management expertise with the benefits of digital printing; low pre-press costs and the ability to do short runs cost effectively, meaning we can produce fully functioning, 3D packaging in any quantity from one to thousands, quickly. If tweaks are needed to be made, we make those to the digital artwork files, and then reprint in whatever number the client requires. It is as simple as that. No printing plates and no minimum order numbers.
As the job was approved on a Wednesday and the exhibition started on the Friday, we had precisely two days to print 500 brochures and create the prototype packaging. The artwork for the brochures was supplied, so that could go straight to print, but the packaging wasn’t, and needed our design expertise to create something unique, effective, and attractive.

G+N Medical required two cartons; one for the compression stockings and one for the sports socks, and the tight timescales we had to work to ensured we prioritised the job. It wasn’t long before the packaging design began to take shape. Once in place, we sent them to print, cut them and assembled the prototype packaging. This is always the moment of truth but thankfully all the design work paid off – the packaging looked perfect on first print.
In all we created 10 cartons for G+N Medical, along with the 500 brochures, to take to the exhibition. And what’s more, they paid only for what we made because of digital printing’s ability to do short runs without incurring wastage or extra cost. G+N Medical were delighted with the samples and even more delighted with the speed in which we had completed them, which was quicker in fact, than our very own Matt ‘Fit Legs’ Dass, sprinting to the finish line!
If you’re thinking of trialing or prototyping new packaging please fill in the form on our mock>it page and we will be in touch Alternatively, drop us an email to or call 01482 484700 for further information.