
Another Year, Another AA BRC Quality Rating

BRC Global Standards are used by over 26,000 certified suppliers over 130 countries. The certifications awarded by BRC ensure that the end consumer is protected, meaning suppliers must carry out all necessary checks and legal obligations to ensure safety for the end-user.

We are delighted to announce that Springfield Solutions have recently been awarded an AA certification rating for the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials.

What is the BRC Packaging and Packaging Materials Standard ? The certification involves third party assessment against this technical standard for packaging suppliers producing packaging materials at any level. The standard ensures suppliers are using top-level systems and processes that ensure the quality of packaging for food, drink, sensitive products and non-food applications.

What does this mean for you, the customer? Certification shows that you are working with a trusted supplier who is in the top bracket for global recognition when it comes to the quality of packaging. This gives you the confidence that your supplier has effective associated systems in place therefore providing you with a major part of the requirements for typical supplier approval processes.

Joint Managing Director, Dennis Ebelftoft is delighted with this recent achievement. “I’m elated with the results, to achieve an AA grade for the fourth straight year is quite an achievement. Employee engagement is key to our success, and our commitment to quality is not just with the Senior Management Team but instilled to everyone within the business, the Springfield Way.”

Our Enabling Services Manager, Dave Medcalf, explains how Springfield achieved the AA rating.

“September 5th and 6th saw the company undergo the annual re-valuation audit of their level of compliance to the BRC Global Standard for Packaging and Packaging Materials.

The audit was carried out by Clive Woods on behalf of our certification body SGS Limited for what was his first visit to the company.

Pleasingly, Clive found much that impressed him during his audit, with our systems for Control of Knives, Blades and Brittle Plastics being some of the best he had seen.”

Dave continued to elaborate on Clive’s findings.

“In particular the levels of Housekeeping and Cleanliness in Factory Areas was something that he said he would have expected to find in a BRC High Hygiene Level certified company rather than the basic level we have.

Clive did raise two minor non-conformances for which corrective actions have been accepted and closed. This has led to the confirmation of certification with an AA Grade rating being achieved once again for the company, which is the highest grade that can be achieved for a standard audit.”

The awarding of this status puts Springfield Solutions in an elite bracket of companies. We are delighted to be providing an incredibly high-quality service to our customers, and we continue to work hard to do so.


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